Expand the Box Training
„I have the feeling, that I woke from a long sleep with bad dreams. In the Expand the box training I learned great tools to practically use and implement all the ‘theories’ I already knew from the yoga philosophy. Suddenly I can use it in my everyday life. And your warm and crystal clear way of leading the training made me always feel safe and well cared for. Many thanks and all the best.”
Inge Kirchner
Again I went to workfull of caution, holding back and yet full of questions … And then the great experience, step by step, well accompanied, to enter unknown territories, to expand my horizon, to analyze and make use of. A perfect balance between theory and practice. Useful and applicable knowledge for communicative processes. Hats off and many thanks!
Julia Scarlett
We participatedas a couple in ‚Expand the box‘. The nice thing was, that we were able to share our experiences and insights during the training, so we felt very connected to each other. So first of all, we had a sense of enthusiasm – almost euphoria. 2-3 days after the training the disillusionment came. Old (partly known) relationship patterns emerged – and we were trapped in our usual reactions like ‘blaming each other’, ‘withdrawal’ and ‘being offended’. And then we remembered: „Oh right, that’s just our boxes!“ And we startedexperimenting with the new tools. To communicate responsible with each other and to give us mutual feedback. And an unknown feeling of freedom, happiness and new power arose in our relationship. We highly recommend Expand the Box to couples who want to develop themselves together and live their relationship more honest and responsible. We both decided to continue this path, which is absolutely challenging but also full of happiness.
Martina und Klaus
To all men:
As the only man among seven women, I felt at all times valued and safe. It was a hit, I have not experienced anything like this before!
Hazard warning: it could be that you realize a whole new ‘image’ of yourself and that you put aside the old one for the moment.
Luck warning: it could be that from that new image a being emerges that appears more coherent fulfilling to you.
Thank you forfulfilling three days in which I was able to experience a vigilant internal order, being centered and the extension of my self-made thought patterns. The loving and responsible leading by Patrizia and Rhea made it possible for me to embark on an inner journey where I could clean up and discover a treasure, which now comes to expression. I am glad that there are more and more people who are as ‚different‘, as I felt my whole life. It’s time to play adult games and to take responsibility 🙂
Herzliche Grüße Ramona
A great gift – I’m full of deep joy and gratitude. Anyone who wants to live life consciously and intensively should participate at ‚Expand the box‘!
Holger Ruscheweyh
Three very rich days full of gifts. Thank you! I feel full of happiness and joy.
Holger Hagen
Individual Coaching
Christian Seifert, CrossOverConsult:
No easycustomer: mid-50’s, also a consultant and coach, who already found out a lot about himself, with a mixed bag of abilities and interests: generalist, dissatisfied with his current activities and structures, along with the feeling that no one really can help, on top of that quite oppositional – in this mood I came to Patrizia. And I was perfectly helped: known details sorted themselves anew and were given new priorities and meanings, new things were added, and all these pieces came together to a very fitting picture, in which I could find myself completely and felt my person seen as a complete being. Very important for me: the concrete elaboration of new tasks and structures, the taking of decisions and the making of crystal clear written down agreements about the implementationof these decisions! Thank you, Patrizia. Christian
Franz Knossalla:
I feel the need to give you a short feedback and especially to say thank you! In fact I work in a similar branch but still it was very interesting for me to follow what you did with our son. I apreciated the way you talked to my son as well as how you reached him with your analysis and your interpretations. It was marvellous. … I don’t know how you perceived it, but you empowered him to go his way and you made clear to him that a decision is at hand. That helped him a lot and took away the rock on his heart, which he carried with him the last month – even if he was not able to admit it. Thank you very much and best regards!
Erika Ebner, Business-Coach/HR-Consultant:
The most important result of your coaching was an increasing self-confidence. I perceived new aspects which are important for me and which I did’nt include in my working life so far. That helps me to become more balanced and happy. I decided to take more responsibility and to go the very concrete steps resulting from your coaching. Due to your credibility and your openness it was easy for me to trust you. Your coaching was a very valuable experience.
Kundin, C.G.:
Dear Patrizia, thank you very much for this important process of self-awareness. You were a useful mirror, from which I finally got clarity and inner release. Now I only have to implement what we worked on.
Kundin, G.J.:
The coaching was useful for getting an idea of my conscious and unconscious qualities and how I can put them into service. I have more self-confidence in what I am doing and how I am doing it. I am also more aware of my behavior in my private relationships. The coaching was really valuable for me.
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