With a small group – instead of all alone

You want to know what your vocation is, but can’t cope with the usual questionnaires alone? You would like to have an experienced coach as well as a group that is looking for visions and perspectives together with you? Then take part in this Online Teleclass!

Your benefit:

  • You get clarity about what your personal vocation could be
  • Together with an experienced Coach AND a small group of like minded people you go through an intensive process of self-recognition and find out your strength, talents and abilities
  • You develop self-trust and reliability in making your career choice
  • You mentally take the first steps from a vague idea to a clear vision
  • In the end you have put your vocation into clear words and found first implementation ideas.
The Online Teleclass contains 4 presence sessions à 120-180 Minuten, in an interval of about 14 days:
  • Session 1 – What I can do – Discovering your talents, qualities and abilites
  • Session 2 – What I want do – Discovering your passions, interests, motivators and favourite working conditions
  • Session 3 – What is dear to me – Discovering your principles
  • Session 4 – Putting your vocation into a phrase and finding first implementation ideas
In addition you get:
  • A personal Q & A session of 60 minutes after the fourth sessions
  • Access to a closed facebook group, where you can communicate with others, ask questions and ask for ideas


We work with a mix of systemic coaching, Possibility Management, feelings work and different processes, depending on what is needed to achieve the goals. Between the units there is homework and telephone support if needed.

Your investment:

390,00 Euro incl. VAT


Just fill the registration form. As soon as 4 participants registered, the Teleclass starts with setting up a timetable for the 4 sessions together.

You're still undecided and have further questions?

We can do something about it! Fill in the status quo questionnaire and get your free initial info session. Together we will find the fitting format for you.



Über die Autorin

Patrizia Patz

Meine große Leidenschaft ist es die Arbeitswelt zu verändern. Als Possibility Management Trainerin unterstütze ich Privatpersonen dabei, ihre Berufung zu finden und umzusetzen. Unternehmen und Organisationen begleite ich dabei, komplett neue und außergewöhnliche Wege der Zusammenarbeit zu etablieren. Für eine sinnerfüllte Arbeitswelt!

You have questions?

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