Realisation-Coaching / Start up-Coaching

Do you have a good idea to implement your vocation independently? But it is often still a long way from the idea to sustainable independence. Does the idea have any future at all? Will I be able to reach enough people who are interested in my services? Is the idea so sustainable that it also feeds me in the long run? Do I have a chance of financial support for my business start-up?

Your benefit:

  • Together we will develop a realistic and feasible plan for the realisation of your dream job.
  • Whether business plan, marketing plan, financing plan – I support you in all steps of your business start-up
  • The regularity of the sessions keeps you on the ball; I gently encourage you to take every step further.
  • Inner and outer obstacles are immediately worked on together and turned into stepping stones on your way.


We work with a mix of systemic coaching, Possibility Management, feelings work and different processes, depending on what is needed to achieve the goals. Between the units there is homework and telephone support if needed.

Your investment:

180,– Euro per session á 90 – 120 minutes

You're still undecided and have further questions?

We can do something about it! Fill in the status quo questionnaire and get your free initial info session. Together we will find the fitting format for you.



Über die Autorin

Patrizia Patz

Meine große Leidenschaft ist es die Arbeitswelt zu verändern. Als Possibility Management Trainerin unterstütze ich Privatpersonen dabei, ihre Berufung zu finden und umzusetzen. Unternehmen und Organisationen begleite ich dabei, komplett neue und außergewöhnliche Wege der Zusammenarbeit zu etablieren. Für eine sinnerfüllte Arbeitswelt!

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