To enlargen the team of Planet Earth Gaia is looking for evolutionaries working in full self-responsibility and on a freelance basis in different departments (e.g. cultural evolution, conservation of flora and fauna, sustainable energy production , evolution of the economy , etc. ).
What is needed:
Pattern Breakers, Bridge Builders, Evolution Architects, Path Finders, Peace Makers, Culture Ingineers, Economy and Community Innovators, Truth Sayers, Initiation and Transformation Facilitators, Life Lovers, Change Agents, Wound Healers, Sustainability Inventors, … and a lot more.
Your qualifications:
- Your are willing to put all your talents into the service of something bigger than yourself
- You are ready to take radical responsibility for everything you do and don‘t do
- You are inspired and passionate about what you do
- You are willing to leave your comfort zone and to act in the area of not knowing
The offer:
- A team of extraordinary, inspired like-minded people with a vision
- A purposeful life, being your destiny in action
- A future where all living beings can live in communion on planet Earth instead of mere surviving
- A compensation according to the values you produce for the good of all
If you are interested to become part of this team, … JUST START WHERE YOU ARE. We are looking forward to have you in the team!
Gaia – Your Planet Earth
P.S. Want to be a member of the Gaia Team but you don’t know how to do it?
Come to the Gaia I Hiring UnConference from 30th August – 2nd September 2018
More about the event
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