To live your purpose means to give up your addiction to safety
Two souls are dwellingin our breast – so the proverb says. One would like to follow the true calling and the other would like to be safe. In truth, it is not two souls dwelling within us, but our soul, calling for destiny and vocation at one side, and our box, fighting for survival, on the other side. This is neither good nor bad. The only question is which price do we pay for this so-called security?
Wouldn’t it be nice to find out, what our calling is and then to follow this calling fully employed within a company with a monthly salary, including health insurance and a pension? Happy with our job and SAFE! This would be like heaven on earth.
But how safe is safe? Do you really think that anything in your life is safe? Companies can go bankrupt, a job gets lost faster than you can say „I quit“, marriages end in divorce, money loses value within hours and even life itself can be over quite quickly, unexpectedly. And no insurance can prevent us from that. It’s hard to keep ourselves conscious about that fact and yet it helps, not to step to far into the safety trap of our box. Because it is our box who tries to make us believe that security really exists. And for that, we just have to make a few compromises, like being careful, burying our true dreams, closing our eyes, adapting to the system and keeping our mouths shut. We all know how it works. We spend our young lives preparing for the labor market – by school, university and apprenticeship. And when we fit perfectly into the system, then the probability is high that we get a big piece of the cake and have a correspondingly large amount of safety. At the same time our soul withers.
But what if your calling does not exist in the current job lists of the labor office? What if your true task, the thing you came here on earth for, is not requested in the ordinary labor market? Part of my vocation is being a crust blaster. Have you ever seen a job advertisement looking for a crust blaster? (Although in my opinion any good company should employ such a person!) Am I simply out of luck? Was I born at the wrong time in this world? Did the universe just made a mistake? Possibly! Another possibility is, that our system, our Western, civilized culture, is not interested in having people live their calling! An interesting question would be why our culture has no interest that we live our calling.
But I would like to ask a different dangerous question at this point. If our system, our culture, does not provide the conditions and opportunities to live your own destiny, would you be ready then to go other, unusual ways to follow your calling and to deliver your unique personal contribution? At this point maybe you feel fear and you think that you can answer this question only if you know exactly, what it means for you. And that again is the safety mechanism of the box – not the fear, it is a normal reaction to a dangerous question – but the belief that you can’t answer the question until you know exactly what it means for you. You could answer the question immediately, even if you feel fear. That would be an interesting experiment to learn to move on unsafe ground. Making a decision despite of the fear. You could even make a decision with the fear (e.g. „Yes, I’m ready and I feel scared to do it.“). And after the decision you have enough time to consider what these unusual ways might be. Not the other way round, as we are used to! Not: “If I have found a safe way, then I’m going”.
Being our destiny in action is not a state we finally reach, but a permanent act of creation out of nothing, out of the unknown. It means to commit to and to be available for something bigger than ourselves that comes in this world through us.
Our calling is a job, we cannot be fired from. Our talents and skills are values that nobody can take away from us. They will never lose their value. Values on which we can rely, instead of looking outside for safety. Are you willing to decide for this kind of trust?
Useful questions:
- What are your beliefs regarding work and safety? What have you learned about it from your parents?
- Whatis the price you personally pay for feeling safe? What have you given up for it?
- If our system, our culture, does not provide the conditions and opportunities to live your own destiny, would you be ready then to go other, unusual ways to follow your calling?
- What do you think you would have to give up to be your destiny in action?
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