von Patrizia Patz | 07.05.19
Realisation-Coaching / Start up-Coaching Do you have a good idea to implement your vocation independently? But it is often still a long way from the idea to sustainable independence. Does the idea have any future at all? Will I be able to reach enough people who are...
von Patrizia Patz | 09.05.19
With a small group – instead of all alone You want to know what your vocation is, but can’t cope with the usual questionnaires alone? You would like to have an experienced coach as well as a group that is looking for visions and perspectives together with...
von Patrizia Patz | 09.05.19
You like to work autodidactically? Then this is your format! You like to be independent and want to decide for yourself when, where and how fast you want to work out your vocation? Then you’ll find exactly the right support in this online self-learning course....
von Patrizia Patz | 09.05.19
Possibility Coaching / Feelings Work (Individuals, Couples, Teams) Individual support for your next step In Possibility Coaching sessions (single, couple or team) we are entirely dedicated to your special needs and topics and create new possibilities for you so that...
von Patrizia Patz | 09.05.19
Online Possibility Team You’d like to have the permanent support of a creative group, where you get ideas and courage to carry on? You want to implement the context of ‘Possibility Management’ into your every day life and get new possibilities to make your life more...
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